
What is Hydroponic, Its Types and Benefits?


What is Hydroponic, Its Types, and Benefits?

       Here I will introduce new technology for the production of crops in the environment of Pakistan instead of conventional and PISirrigation systems. I will convey to you this technology is now becoming popular worldwide due to a decrease in space requirements. 

What is Hydroponic System:

                                   This new technology is known as Hydroponic which is a Greek word; Hydro means water while ponos means labor literally meaning of this is water work. This technology does not require land and soil for sowing crops while we use nutrient solutions for the growth of different crops through this technology. The technique of plant growing in which we use the nutrient medium with or without the use of inter medium like rocks, soil, dust, gravel, vermiculite, Rockwool, peat moss, saw dust, coir dust, coconut fiber, etc. This technology is becoming popular in the world due to a decrease in cultivable land due to industrialization and urbanization areas and the negative impact of conventional methods of irrigation and cultivation of crops on the environment.

History of Hydroponic:

                      First time in the 1930s Professor William Gericke describes the hydroponic which is the method of growing plants through their roots suspended in the water of mineral nutrients. In the 1940s the researchers of the University of Purdue developed the system of nutriculture for the growth of plants and crops. While in the 1960s and 70s this method was commercialized in different countries like Arizona, Abu Dhabi, Belgium, California, Denmark, German, Holland, Iran, Italy, Japan, Russian Federation, and other countries.

Features and Operation:

The Hydroponic systems operate automatically to control the mineral nutrient water solution and photoperiod according to the requirements of crops and plants. This modern method is the best option for the growth of plants for getting sufficient food for the growing population and conserving the depleting land and available water resources. Due to this method in the world, commercialized areas are also successful in growing plants and sustainable production of food. Different plants and various crops like leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and strawberries can be grown through a hydroponic system. Hydroponics is becoming popular in the world due to the effective management of resources and food.

Different Types and Structure of Hydroponic and Their Operations:

         Here, in this portion, I will elaborate and give awareness about different Hydroponic structures and their operation. There are different hydroponic structures according to the reuse and recycling of nutrition solutions and supporting mediums. Some common use of structure and techniques for hydroponics are Ebb-Flow, Wick, Drip, Deepwater Culture, and Nutrient film technique (NFT) in the world.

Wick System Hydroponic:

                                             The simplest Hydroponic system that has not to require any pump, aerator, or electricity. Plants are placed in an absorbent medium of coco coir, vermiculite, perlite, etc. with the nylon wicks that are in the nutrient mediums in the reservoir from the roots of the plant. This system works well for small plants, herbs, and spices and doesn’t work effectively that needs a lot of water.

Ebb and Flow system:

                                         A first commercial hydroponic system that works on the system of flood and drains. This system in which nutrient solution and water are flooded through the water pump creates a certain level bed and stays there for a certain time and provides nutrients and moisture to the plants. This system is best for growing different kinds of crops but in this system roots rot, algae, and mould are common so some modification with the unit of filtration is required in this system.

Drip System Hydroponic:   

                        A widely used method of hydroponic is a drip system in which water and nutrient solution in the reservoir to the roots of plants individually through the pump in an appropriate proportion through dripping system, it is mostly used in home and commercial levels. If it is used in the proper setting then we can conserve more water through this system of hydroponic. Plants are placed in the moderate growing absorbent medium so that nutrient drips slowly in it.

Deep water culture system of Hydroponic:

                                           In this system of hydroponic, plants' roots are suspended in the water of rich nutrients and the air is provided directly to the roots through an air stone. The bucket system of Hydroponic is an example of this system of deep-water culture. Plants are placed in the net pots and are suspended in the nutrient water solution where they grow early and quickly in large amounts. Monitoring of Oxygen, the concentration of the nutrient solution, salinity, and pH as algae and mould that can grow in the reservoir are mandatory. The working performance of this system is excellent for large plants, especially those that can produce fruits, cucumber, and tomatoes.

Nutrient Film Technique System (NFT):

                                                             In this NFT system of Hydroponic, the water or nutrient solution circulates in the reservoir and then enters the plant growing tray through the pump without the control of time. NFT system of hydroponic was developed in England in the 1960s mid by Dr. Alen Cooper through overcoming the Ebbs and Flow system. Due to the slightly slanted system the nutrient solution down back into the reservoir after running through the roots. Many leafy greens can easily be grown in this system, especially in lettuce production.

Benefits of Hydroponic: 

  • Hydroponics is recently becoming popular because this method is easy and efficient.
  • There is no chance of soilborne diseases, insects and pest infections to the crops because this method is eliminating and reduce the use of pesticides and their toxicity of pesticides.
  • There is no mechanical hindrance between the roots of plants so that all nutrients are readily available for the plant’s growth.
  • Plant growth is fast and less growing time in this method as compared to the growth of plants in the field.
  • This technique of plant growing is efficient in areas of environmental stresses like cold, heat and deserts, etc.
  • Hydroponic plants and crops are not influenced and affected by climate changes and can be cultivated year-round and any off-season.
  • Commercial Hydroponic systems are operated automatically so it reduces the labor work and traditional practices of agriculture like watering, spraying, and tilling.
  • No requires more space like fields for hydroponic systems.
  • This method of growing plants and crops is useful for the conservation of water and useful resources.
  • It saves a large amount of water; no water logging conditions occur and other kinds of sprays do not need.
  • The problem of pests and diseases can be controlled easily in this system and weeds do not practically exist in this system.
  • The production of crops or plants per unit is higher compared to conventional agriculture.
Limitations of Hydroponic System:

  • Along with the extreme advantages of this technique some limitations are also significant.
  • For commercial cultivation of crops in this system, technical knowledge and higher initial capital or cost are the fundamental cost.
  • Plants in a hydroponic system are easily sharing the same nutrients and can spread waterborne diseases easily from one plant to another.
  • Maintenance of pH, EC, and nutrients are the prime importance in this system.
  • Under a protected structure, light and energy supply are required to run this system.
  • Limited oxygenation and hot weather may limit production and can cause the loss of plants.

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