Why is Agriculture Important in Pakistan?
- Agriculture is a very important sector in Pakistan. It plays a vital
role in all sectors of Pakistan. Pakistan's 75% population is connected
with Agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan's economy.
Economic Survey 2019-2020:
According to Economic Survey 2019-2020, Agriculture contributed about 19.3% to the annual GDP of Pakistan.
Importance of Agriculture in Pakistan:
Pakistan has a rich natural resource covering various ecological and climate zone; hence the country has great potential for producing all types of food. It is impossible to feed the people without giving importance to agriculture. Agriculture is very important all over the world not only in Pakistan. Because Agriculture provides food and cereals, without food life is impossible. Man cannot live without food. If may not agriculture then starvation takes place. This sector is the largest provider of raw materials to many industries.
Provision of basic necessity:
The three basic necessity of mankind is food, clothes, and shelter. Agriculture is the only field that provides basic three necessities. we know all foodstuff which to eat and to keep ourselves alive are the production of agriculture such as milk, meat, seeds, shoot, etc. Clothes of all major kinds are also the production of agriculture such as cotton, wool, etc. Tree trucks, wood, and leaves have been sheltering mankind for ages.
In Pakistan Agriculture provide employment to a large number of people. It has been estimated that about 70% of our population is engaged directly or indirectly in Agriculture.
Salient features of Pakistan Agriculture:
soils are generally sand to sandy-loam. The cultivated or cropped area of Pakistan is divided into major two zones.
- Rainfed (barani) 5.0M.ha
- Irrigated 17.12M.ha
In Punjab 1/5th of the area lies under rainfed conditions.
rangelands over about 60% area of the country.
Waterlogging, salinity/alkalinity, and low soil fertility status are the problems of irrigated land.
Erosion, water conservation, and low soil fertility status are the problems of the rainfed region/baranii region.
Major crops in Pakistan:
- Food crops:
- Wheat
- Rice
- Maize
- Bajra
- Barley
- Jowar
- Fiber crops: Cotton
- Sugar crops: Sugarcane
Major crops in Pakistan |
Livestock in Pakistan:
Livestock is also the part of Agriculture sector of Pakistan. Livestock contributes about 40% of the Agriculture sector and 9% of the GDP of Pakistan. Principle products are milk, beef, mutton, poultry, and wool. During 1990 the livestock population increased to 120 million heads. That same year Pakistan generated 970,000 tons of beef,640,000 tons of muttons, and 190,000 tons of poultry. For the enhancement and increase of the production of milk and meat, the government recently launched a livestock development project with Asian Development Bank assistance. Poultry production provides an increasingly popular low-cost source of protein. Frozen poultry have only recently been introduced.
Forest in Pakistan:
In Pakistan, Forests cover an area of 4.2 million hectares or about 5 % total area of Pakistan land. Forests products are timber, which is used for house construction, furniture, and firewoods. In many countries, wooded areas are severely depleted due to exploitation.
In this blog, we discuss the importance of the Agriculture sector in Pakistan. Agriculture plays a vital role in Pakistan's economy.