
What is Furrow Irrigation and also its suitability, Characteristics and How to implement Furrow Irrigation on the Field?

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What is Furrow Irrigation and also its suitability, Characteristics and How to implement Furrow Irrigation on the Field?

In this article, I will demonstrate Furrow Irrigation and also explain its suitability and those conditions that affect this method of Irrigation. I will explain its pros and cons and implementation process.

What is Furrow Irrigation?

    Furrow irrigation is a common form of surface irrigation. In this method of irrigation, we have used furrows that are smaller, parallel channels that are made for the irrigation of crops that usually grow on the ridges of land between furrows. This method of irrigation is suitable for the crops like row crops means vegetables and fruits. If we converse about the size and slope of the furrow that depends on the spacing between the rows of crops and also the equipment that is used for growing crops.

        Water infiltrates into the soil and spreads laterally for the irrigation of the area between the furrows. The time for irrigation and the water that is flowing between the furrows depends upon the amount and quantity of water that replenishes the root zones and laterally spread of water in the soil and also the infiltration rate of any soil. We can be used furrows to the dispose-off the runoff from rainfall rapidly. In this method of irrigation streams of small and large can be used by adjusting the areas where surface drainage is essential. The Furrow irrigation method can be used for the irrigation of all crops that are planted in the form of rows like vegetables and orchards etc.


     This method of irrigation is suitable for the plantation of vegetables and orchards, sugarcane, tobacco, maize, potato, groundnut, etc.  This method is suited for all types of soils instead of sand because sand has more infiltration rate than other types of soil. Corrugation irrigation is the type of this method of irrigation. Corrugation method of irrigation that is used for irrigation of broadcast of crops. It is also furrow irrigation. This method of irrigation is suitable for vegetables and fruits because in which row of crops grown between the furrow and furrow works as ridges and rows of crops are filled with the water. In this method of irrigation, we can use almost all types of soil but coarse soil is not recommended for this type because in this type of soil percolation losses are high.

            For this method of irrigation, slope length is uniformly flat or gentle. Furrow can remain as long in clay-type of soil because in clay type of soil the rate of infiltration is slower than in sandy soil. I illustrate the depth level of water in this type of irrigation method then it can be said as long as furrows the depth of irrigation of water increases because the availability of water is not reduced there rapidly due to infiltration. In furrows spacing between rows depend on the soil types.


 1. Cultivation earlier is possible.

 2. Reducing crusting and evaporation losses due to water contact.

 3. Under field ditches no wastage of land.

 4. 30% water saves in the case of furrow ridges.

 5. 50% water saves in the case of furrow beds.

6. This method is more efficient because more area is irrigated through this method.

7. Low cost.

8. Time and labor-saving.

9. Reducing leaching from the soil of the land.

10. If we properly use this method of irrigation then we can be attained more yield of crops.


1. Not suitable for all crops.

2. Not suitable for sandy soil due to more infiltration rate.

3. Interferes from types of equipment.

4. By removing high and low spots require continuous slope.

5. Movement of farm machinery is a very difficult task in the field of furrows.

6. Initial cost for the preparation of land is high.

Importance of Furrow Irrigation:

         In a world where the problem of water scarcity is increasing rapidly, in these areas for the prevention of erosion and to save water furrow irrigation is the best and effective solution for irrigation. If we see on the economic level of this irrigation, then it is the most effective solution for irrigating the field of different crops. This method of irrigation becomes a cause of more yield of crops and it dominates in agriculture-dependent countries.



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