What is Agronomy, Importance of Agronomy In Pakistan, And Principles of Crop Production?
What is Agronomy?
Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for foods, fibers and recreation, and land restoration. It is a humanitarian career. Agronomy has work in the areas of plant genetics, plants physiology, meteorology, and soil science.
Agronomy introduction:
The word Agronomy is derived from two Greek words "Agros" and "nomos".Agros means field and Nomos means to manage.
Agronomy is that branch of agriculture that deals with the principles and practices of crop production and soil management.
Pietro de'Crescenzi is the father of Agronomy.
Agronomy is the science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, fiber, and feed.
Research in agronomy includes crop productivity, genetic engineering, and conservation practices.
Principles of crop production:
- Improved cultural practices
- The good seed of approved and new varieties
- Correct manuring at the right time
- Irrigation application at the proper time
- Adequate plant protection measure
Improved Cultural Practices:
Cultural practices are the set of activities that are carried out at a low-cost rate. It is the process that acts before the planting of any crop on land.PrePlanting and Post Planting activities are the cultural practices that make the environment of plant growth on land. These cultural practices serve multiple purposes like from crop pest management to soil nutrient replenishment.
Work Plan:
When you make a decision about crop production on your farm, When you decide, which type of crop, when and how to plant, then the process from the first day when you make the land for production crop, establish the crops and till the harvesting of crops from the land/farm. All this process is called the work plan.
The good seed of approved and new varieties:
Correct manuring at right time:
Fertilizer is vital input that can contribute a lot to achieving the target production. A big gap exists between the potential yield and the yield at the farm level. Increased use of fertilizer is an important input in realizing the full crop potential of the country. According to UNO one unit of fertilizer could generate about ten units of crop production.
Timely application of irrigation water:
Irrigation is an important factor to obtain a high yield of crops. Judicious use of water also conserves the soil for future use as it helps in avoiding salt accumulation in the soil. Irrigation should be applied only when needed by the crop. Proper stages of the crop when irrigation is needed have been researched and information for all the crops is available.
Insect, Disease, and Weed Control:
Insects may be controlled with a recommended dose of insecticide according to spray schedule information by Agri.Dept.For the control of disease, only disease-resistant varieties should be used. Seeds should be treated with fungicides for control of soil and seed born disease Weed control measures should be used at the time of land preparation at the beginning of crop growth.
Post-Harvest Technology:
About 20% of crop yields are lost if proper harvesting, threshing, and storage are not practiced. To avoid shattering in small grains. The proper time of harvesting is important. This is true for wheat, sorghum,bajra, rapeseed, and mustard even rice. If maize is delayed for harvesting, with rain the grains in the cob start germinations, reducing the quality of the production. Wheat if they are not thrashed as early as possible, maybe damaged due to early rain in April-May.
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Thanks a lot venerable sir 😊
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