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What is an Irrigation system and How we choose the better method of an irrigation system?
In this article, I will illustrate irrigation systems and the advantages of different types of irrigation systems that are used all over the globe. And also explain what is an irrigation system and which type of irrigation is most beneficial for the production of crops and maintaining landscapes.
1. What is Irrigation?
The process of supplying a controlled amount of artificial water for assistance in the production and growth of crops is called Irrigation. Irrigation is very significant in those areas where a river or channel water is not available. In these places, water is provided to the crops through the process of irrigation.
2. What is Irrigation System?
The system of supplying irrigation water to the crops and land is called Irrigation System. The system is made for the supply of artificial water where channel and river water is not available at near places where through pipelines water is provided for the irrigation of land. Water is an essential thing for the production of yields and crops. water is spreading to the land by different techniques. the irrigation system is very necessary for those areas where rainfall occurs irregularly and droughts are expected.
3. Types of Irrigation Systems:
There are four major types of irrigation systems that are used all over the globe.
1. Surface Irrigation.
2. Subsurface Irrigation.
3. Sprinkler Irrigation.
4. Drip Irrigation.
1. Surface Irrigation:
In the method of surface irrigation, we are applied water directly to the surface of the soil from a channel that is located at the upper reach of the field. This method of irrigation refers to a system of water delivered to the crops as the overland flow of water. In this method of irrigation water is distributed over the surface of the land. If we converse its main point that is its driving force which is gravity. So, due to this driving force, this method is also called as gravity irrigation method. The prime importance of this method is to require two things one is a uniform distribution of water over the land and the other is its higher efficiency. In this method we distribute water over the surface of the land, water enters the soils and is redistributed by the gravity and capillary and is reached everywhere through the roots of plants.
This method is also further subdivided into different other categories according to its use like furrow, border irrigation system, etc. In Pakistan the category of Basin Irrigation of surface irrigation is mostly used and oldest method of Irrigation. This method has some advantages and disadvantages. This method requires higher efficiency. In this method, water is not distributed uniformly in the proper way. In this method losses of water and time is maximum. Not no proper distribution of water for plants. Not no proper management due to this method of irrigation.
2. Subsurface Irrigation:
The subsurface Irrigation method is the method of irrigation in which water is supplied to the crops beneath the surface of lands through the network of perforated pipes. This method is the most expansive method due to the use of high-cost perforated water pipes. The depth of pipes used for this process should not be less than 40cm because these don't cause interference and hurdle in cultivation. This method can be mostly used for soils having low water holding capacity. Evaporation losses are minimum due to this method of irrigation. For this method, favorable natural conditions are required so this irrigation method is used in limited areas. Subsurface Irrigation method in which water is delivered through pipe networks beneath the surface of the land. In this method, good quality of water is required because due to clogging of water in the pipes mostly joints of pipes are opened.
3. Sprinkler Irrigation:
The sprinkler Irrigation method is the method in which water is sprayed into the air and falls on the surface of the ground like rain falling. In this method, water is sprayed through the flow of water under high pressure through a small orifice or nozzle. The sprinkler Irrigation method is the method in which water is supplied in the form of sprays that are expelled in the form of droplets or subdroplets under high pressure through a nozzle or jet. This method consists of the pumping system, sprinklers, and piping system. The main purpose of the pump is to lift the water from the source of water and then the water passes through the system of pipelines and where the water reaches into the main pipelines or other pipelines and then reaches into the sprinkler from which water sprays like rainfall over the land. This method of irrigation is mostly used in hilly areas where the surface of the land is irregular and gradients also Tepper in these areas this method is mostly used.
Good quality water is used for this method of irrigation. In hilly areas, the water of fountains and watercourse is very clean and magnificent which is best for this method of irrigation. This method is the most expensive method of irrigation because in this method of irrigation pipelines network of good quality are used and its installation is also very expensive. This method is also called the overhead irrigation method of watering the plants and crops through the spray of droplets. This method is most important due to the prevention of surface runoff and this system is designed for applying water to the crops by considering the rate of infiltration capacity of the soil. This method is suitable for those areas where the soil is permeable.
4. Drip Irrigation:
Drip Irrigation is the process of irrigation in which water is applied to a special surface near the roots of plants in the form of drops. This method of irrigation is mostly popular in those areas where water scarcity and coarse soil has high infiltration capacity rate. This method minimizes all the conventional losses like deep percolation runoff etc. In the method of irrigation through dripper, water is delivered at selecting surface near the base of plant or root zone drop by drop. The system applies water slowly to keep the soil moist in the range of the plant roots zone. A drip Irrigation consists of water sources, pipelines, mixing chambers, and emitters. This method of irrigation is also known as the trickle irrigation method. This method of irrigation is a special type of irrigation method in which a pipelines network system consists of main pipelines and sub pipelines. Water from the main pipeline moves into the lateral and then toward the small diameter pipes and then moves into the roots of plants in the form of drops. In this irrigation system, water is not lost and special equipment is required due to this drip irrigation method is the most expensive method. in this water is applied beneath the surface of land near the roots and base point of the plant.
If we compare and choose the best method of irrigation then I prefer the method of drip irrigation because in this method through a pipe network water is provided to the base point of every plant in the land in the form of drop according to requirements. But if we see the budget and expenses of this method that is most high. If anyone has a low budget and wants an efficient method then he can choose the subsurface method of irrigation because in which water consumption and losses are less than surface irrigation. And if anyone's most efficient method that working without losses then he can choose from the methods of sprinkler and drip irrigation method.
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