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How to overcome the issue of Water Scarcity?
In the Modern era, we have different technologies due to the progress of science to overcome the issues of water scarcity. But in this modern era, we are facing this water depletion issue rapidly due to our unconsciousness. We are spoiling water rapidly from the name of recreation. We have no technologies to recycle the water and desalination of water like Developing countries. Developed countries have the technologies to recycle the water and desalination of water and are solving these issues.
These are the solutions to overcome the issues of water depletion and water crisis.
1. Saving as much water as possible.
2. Recycling water.
3. Use of Advance Technology to conserve water.
4. Education.
5. Improve Sewage System.
6. Better Distribution of water.
7. Slighter use of Chemicals in Farming.
1. Saving as much water as possible:
Water is very important in our life but for a few years, we are facing water shortage problems that are not good for the existence of life and habitats of the environment. We can prevent our environment from this crisis by saving water. Save water save a life is very famous. So whenever and wherever possible then save the water. We should try to convince our families and relatives to save the water. We should limit the use of water in bathing, washing, due to this we can save water. We should control the consumption of water as early as possible. After limiting the consumption we can save the water.
2. Recycling water:
There are more advanced technologies to recycle the rainwater and this water is also used at home for domestic use. We can prevent water scarcity by recycling the water of rain for different uses like washing, bathing, and other domestic use. Some places where water shortage in these places people save the water of rain and use this water. We can recycle the rainwater for our use. We can remove all the contaminants by using advanced technologies and recycle them for future use. By this, we can store more water and save from the crisis of water.
3. Use of Advance Technology to conserve water:
By the use of Advanced Technologies, we can conserve the water by increasing the use of water efficiency and eliminate the water pollution from the water. We can conserve water by digging ponds, lakes, and canals. We can use advanced technologies for the conservation of water like rainwater harvesting. We can conserve the water by using filter systems in our homes. We can conserve water by protecting the groundwater resources from pollution because groundwater resources provide us freshwater. If the precipitation and rain occur then some of the water from the precipitation infiltrate from the surface of the soil and this water reaches on saturated zone this is the groundwater resource. We can control the depletion of water after conserving freshwater resources.
4. Education:
For saving the water education is very necessary. If we will educate properly then we save our society from the depletion of water. Because an educated person knows how to protect society from these crises like water depletion and other environmental issues. An educated person knows the importance of water in the life of man. So if we will provide education in our environment then we can protect our society from the scarcity of water because an educated person will use the water in a better way, will not spoil the water.
5. Improve Sewage System:
We should improve our sewage system. After improving the water we can drink clean and fresh water. We should improve the sewage system because without improving this we cannot solve the issue of water scarcity. By using smart and advanced technologies we can clean the sewage water and control the issue of the water crisis because sewage water mixes with clean and fresh water and make this water contaminated due to this clean water depletion occurs.
6. Better Distribution of water:
Better distribution of water is very necessary to overcome the issue of water scarcity. At a worldwide level, many people like in developing countries are not connected with the public water infrastructure that depends on the fountain's water these are not work in the case of droughts then these people faces the severe water scarcity. To overcome the water scarcity we will connect these people from the public water supply.
7. Slighter use of Chemicals in Farming:
We should use chemicals in farming at a small level because these chemicals contaminate the freshwater due to this our society faces the water crisis and water depletion issues. In the present era, farmers use an excess amount of fertilizers and pesticides for more yield of crops. But these chemicals are the cause of groundwater pollution and soil pollution that contaminate the fresh and groundwater. So we should less amount of chemicals to control the depletion of water in society.